RefControl    WallpaperSync

RefControl Variables

If you have selected the Custom option, you can include a variable in the string by writing a dollar sign followed by the name of the variable, like so: $VARIABLE. The following variables are currently available:

Variable name Description
URL the URL that is currently being requested
REF the unmodified Referer
You can also include just part of one of the above variables by following the name of the variable by an underscore and the name of the part, like so: $VARIABLE_PART. The following parts are available:

Part name Description Example for
SCHEME The scheme, which represents the protocol which is being used (http or https) http
USERNAME The HTTP username, which is rarely used myuser
PASSWORD The HTTP password mypass
USERPASS The username and password, separated by a colon. If the password is not present then this contains just the username. myuser:mypass
HOST The hostname of the web server
PORT The port number of the web server, by default 80 for http and 443 for https 8080
HOSTPORT The hostname and port number, separated by a colon. If the port is not specified then this contains just the hostname.
PATH Everything after the hostname and port (includes the leading slash) /dir/page.html
PREPATH Everything that comes before the path
The Normal option is the same as a Custom of $REF. The Forge option is the same as $URL_SCHEME://$URL_HOSTPORT/. If you wish to act like Forge but instead send the entire URL as the Referer instead of the root of the site, you can use $URL.
To include a literal $, use $$. If you need to follow a variable by alphanumeric characters you can surround the variable name with curly braces. For instance, ${REF_SCHEME}x will expand to httpx or httpsx. Just using $REF_SCHEMEx will not work because that will attempt to expand a variable named REF_SCHEMEx which does not exist.

Copyright © 2008 James Abbatiello
$LastChangedDate: 2008-02-02 14:06:44 -0500 (Sat, 02 Feb 2008) $